The tote bag is a branding item that every garment brand uses. Good designed handbags will be used repeatedly by customers, thus playing a promotional role. Today, we’d like to introduce you the matters need pay attention to when customizing the paper handbag.
To custom a hand paper bag needs consider from several factors: size, material, weight tolerance and crafts. These four things affect each other. For example, a product of the same material, when your size is too large, in order to prevent the production of paper bags from breaking, the manufacturer will suggest that the gram weight should be increased correspondingly, while the small size will be reduced correspondingly due to the influence of the production process. Another matter is the material and the handle. Different materials also have some impact on load bearing. The material with better toughness is better for natural load bearing. Among our commonly used material of white card, copper plate and kraft paper, the bearing capacity of kraft paper is relatively better.
1. Material
General packaging materials are white paperboard, coated paper, kraft paper, special paper and so on. Paper thickness is generally from 150gsm to 350gsm.
2. Post processing
The post processing includes lamination, gold stamping, embossing, UV printing, bottom baffle, reinforcing strips and holes, and other special crafts.
3. Hand rope
Paper cord with hook, nylon cord with hook, ribbon handle with hook, sticky paper handle, wide flat cord, cotton cord, specific handle, etc.
4. Packing and delivery
It is normally packed by corrugated cartons, each outer box to play a total of four reinforcement bars. It can better prevent transportation rupture.
After knowing these factors, how to choose the right paper bag? In fact, the most important thing for brands is to identify the needs. Only when the demand is clear, the manufacturer can customize the appropriate paper bag accordingly. These requirements include size, weight, brand image and budget.
Color-P focuses on the packaging customization of the garment industry, knows your needs better, and provides you with exclusive customized services with professional technology and experience.
Post time: Nov-22-2022