The tote bag is a branding item that every garment brand uses. Good designed handbags will be used repeatedly by customers, thus playing a promotional role. Today, we’d like to introduce you the matters need pay attention to when customizing the paper handbag.
To custom a hand paper bag needs co...
First of all, to check the pattern text of the woven label. The pattern and text on the label should be exactly the same as original pictures or layouts. This is rather important to meet customers’ needs. The pattern made should not only meet the requirements in shape, but also in size. The woven...
Let’s take a look at the common issues with kraft paper. Have you ever encountered these problems?
1. You may meet the problem of limp or loose surface?
Kraft paper is relatively tough and water resistant, but it is often troubled by the problem of water, the water content of kraft paper is...
What do we normally think of a label made with cotton? It must be clean, natural and skin-friendly. And that’s also the added value to your garment brand when choosing a cotton label to give your packaging a look of authenticity.
But do you know the hidden benefits of cotton labels? We’d like to ...
A kraft paper bag is a bag made of kraft paper – a type of paper made from the chemical pulp of a cork tree trunk. Brown paper bags are also called recycled paper bags.
Nowadays, the appearance of this paper bag is becoming more and more popular. When plastic bags are resisted by more and m...
It’s coming to the end of the year again We’ve also started reminding customers to prepare for their Christmas orders as early as possible.
Yes, we know that the Christmas is still 2 months away. But if you’re a designer, retailer or manufacturer, the preparation works will be tedious and i...
From boxes and mailers to envelopes and tissue packages, your custom-designed package stickers are the seal that fits it all together. It ensures your parcels stand out with these customized label stickers. They can be used on large delivery boxes, on a folding box, or covering boxes, in an L sha...
Heat transfer printing for tag less neck labels has already become common practice for many companies. And the tag less wash care labels could be the next big trend. Heat transfer labels printing has so many advantages when comparing it to other methods. It’s also a sustainable option limiting wa...
Bring your brand packaging design to the next level by using packaging sleeves.
Packaging sleeves or belly bands are economical options for branding solutions. Imagine how easy you can improve your product’s shelf appeal just by wrapping sleeves around them.
Here at Color-P, we offer a wide arra...
Ribbon printing, woven tape printing, satin label printing and other series of products in the production process, will be involved in screen printing process, screen printing is composed of five elements, screen printing plate, scraper, ink, printing table and substrate. The basic principle of s...
As a container for garment packaging, garment packing box has good hardness, sealing and decoration .application
When choosing a folding box, what basic aspects need to be considered when customizing the clothing packaging boxes? This is a popular problem among new brands, or some long running br...
In the printing industry, the tags, cards, packaging boxes are very popular. Have you ever noticed that there’s a layer of transparent film on the surface of these tags. This film is known as a “Laminating” of post-press processing technology.
Laminating is to use a transparent plasti...